A publication of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives

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The Largest Co-op Tackles COVID

The Largest Co-op Tackles COVID

Since 1967, the Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative has been providing soil nutrients and promoting agricultural productivity in the world’s most populous democracy.

Hot Water and Cool Bills

Hot Water and Cool Bills

Few people intentionally take a cold shower, but, if your water heater suddenly quits working, that might be your only option

Five Questions to Ask Your Home Inspector

Five Questions to Ask Your Home Inspector

There’s nothing wrong with buying an inefficient home, but you will want to know what you’re getting into and that you can afford the energy costs once you get the keys

Eastern Redbud

Eastern Redbud

Few spring sights rival the impact of rounding a curve on a back-country road and coming upon a group of Eastern redbud trees in flower.

Going Wild in the Garden

Going Wild in the Garden

Anyone who gardens, or even putters in the yard, knows that the simple act of gardening provides many benefits — fresh air, exercise, stress relief and access to fresh foods to name a few.

Small Changes, Big Impacts

Small Changes, Big Impacts

When it comes to gardening for nature, big changes come in small packages and work best when approached with baby steps.