A publication of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives


Black Walnut: Massive and Messy

Black Walnut: Massive and Messy

The good, the bad and the nutty June 2024 by Steve Carroll, Contributing Columnist A landowner with a mature, open-grown black walnut is fortunate indeed, able to appreciate this tree’s massive presence; thick,...

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Maryland is Milkin’ It

Maryland is Milkin’ It

June is National Dairy Month June 2024 by Laura Emery, Staff Writer In a transient and fast-paced world, there’s something magical about watching the sun set over tall silos overlooking lush green pasture dotted with grazing cows. It’s a familiar scene in Maryland —...

The All-Electric Home

The All-Electric Home

Geothermal energy is gaining ground May 2024 by Will Lange, Contributing Columnist Have you heard the new catchphrase “electrification”? While you may not have heard about it outside of the transportation industry, electrification is a rising megatrend across the...

Flowering Dogwood

Flowering Dogwood

Virginia’s state flower and tree April 2024 by Steve Carroll, Contributing Columnist Flowering dogwood is a small tree that makes a dramatic and much-admired statement in early spring. The Virginia Native Plant Society named it their 2018 Flower of the Year, and in...

In My Backyard?

In My Backyard?

Busting myths about geothermal heat pumps April 2024 by Will Lange, Contributing Columnist MYTH #1: YOU NEED A BUNCH OF LAND As someone once put it, “If you have a lawn mower, then you can put in a geo unit.” With numerous options for the geothermal underground loop...

Geothermal Energy

Geothermal Energy

A hot topic that’s also a cool conversation March 2024 by Will Lange, Contributing Columnist In a world of traditional, fossil fuel-based heating and cooling systems, solar panels on roofs and vast wind farms, you may never have given much thought to another...

Seeing the Forest for the Trees

Virginia pine deserves a second look January-February 2024 by Steve Carroll, Contributing Columnist If you live in the mid-Atlantic, you’ve surely seen Virginia pine, though you may have given it just a passing...

Bald Cypress

Bald Cypress

Bald cypress is a truly unusual tree. It’s a conifer — therefore related to pines and spruces — but it drops all its leaves each fall.