A publication of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives


Take My Hand

Take My Hand

The Harriet Tubman Organization is dedicated to preserving Tubman’s connection to the local community and to helping young people see Tubman as a role model.

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Gaff-n-Go Returns in a Big Way

Gaff-n-Go Returns in a Big Way

A two-year hiatus is not a problem, if you’re on top of your game. That was one of the lessons of the 2022 Gaff-n-Go Lineworker Rodeo, which attracted a record number of competitors and crowds after the pandemic sidelined it in 2020 and 2021.

More Than a Place to Pay Bills

More Than a Place to Pay Bills

As coordinator of vegetation management at Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative, Scott Sorrels is protective of environmental concerns throughout the co-op’s territory. But what about closer to home? What about in SVEC’s front yard?

Going Solar

Going Solar

Net metering continues to offer cooperative members an alternative option for renewable energy at their homes or farms. Net metering is a billing practice that enables you to receive a credit for the excess generation your renewable fuel generator produces in the month.

Ditch Digging Done Right, Co-op Style

Ditch Digging Done Right, Co-op Style

Ditch Digging Done Right DONNA WEST WAS ON HER HANDS AND KNEES, PEELING BACK CLOTS OF DEBRIS AND WET LEAVES at a children’s playground in Murfreesboro, Tenn., when she made a discovery. “It’s a drain,” she said. “I wonder if anyone knew it was here.” Answer: Probably...