A publication of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives

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The All-Electric Home

The All-Electric Home

Geothermal energy is gaining ground May 2024 by Will Lange, Contributing Columnist Have you heard the new catchphrase “electrification”? While you may not have heard...

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The All-Electric Home
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In My Backyard?

In My Backyard?

Busting myths about geothermal heat pumps April 2024 by Will Lange, Contributing Columnist MYTH #1: YOU NEED A BUNCH OF LAND As someone once put it, “If you have a lawn mower, then you can put in a geo unit.” With numerous options for the geothermal underground loop...

Geothermal Energy

Geothermal Energy

A hot topic that’s also a cool conversation March 2024 by Will Lange, Contributing Columnist In a world of traditional, fossil fuel-based heating and cooling systems, solar panels on roofs and vast wind farms, you may never have given much thought to another...

Keeping Your Home Cozy

Keeping Your Home Cozy

As you make home upgrades this fall, be sure to use materials designed to withstand extreme weather events.

How To Market Your House

How To Market Your House

Staging is the process of making a home’s interior look its absolute best to entice prospective buyers. It used to be the stuff of television’s real estate programs or a trend in major metropolitan areas.

Steps Of Faith

Steps Of Faith

Finding the right flooring for your home sale MAY 2022 by Les O'Dell, Contributing Writer Let’s face it. We don’t give our floors much respect. We put them down, walk all over them and treat them dirty. But when it comes time to selling our homes, Mark Novoa says we...

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Looking Good, Selling Well

The old warning that there is no second chance to make a first impression is true not only for people, but for homes, too.