A publication of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives

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The Tail End of Summer

The Tail End of Summer

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Summer Delights with Peaches and Puppies

Summer Delights with Peaches and Puppies

August 2024 It’s traditionally hot and dry this time of year, challenging for many, especially the agricultural community. We certainly pray for the weather to cooperate as Virginia and Maryland rely on solid production from our farmers and the variety of produce our...

How to Teach Your Children to Be Household Helpers

How to Teach Your Children to Be Household Helpers

July 2024 Story courtesy of NewsUSA Children can begin learning and participating in household duties as young as 2. While handling the tasks yourself may be easier and less time-consuming, involving your children in the home can bring a sense of joy and togetherness,...

Family Meals Can Boost Mental Health for All Ages

Family Meals Can Boost Mental Health for All Ages

July 2024 Story courtesy NewsUSA Sharing a meal -- with family members that include relatives but also those you choose to call family -- not only promotes healthy eating, but healthier minds as well, new data show. More than half of Americans believe that family...

Outdoor Play Will Help Keep Screens Away

Outdoor Play Will Help Keep Screens Away

July 2024 Story courtesy of Brandpoint  It’s difficult to distance ourselves from screens; they follow us everywhere — in the car, into stores, at restaurants and all around our houses. Children often become reliant on screens for entertainment, and parents sometimes...

Are you a Mosquito Magnet? Here are 4 Reasons Why

Are you a Mosquito Magnet? Here are 4 Reasons Why

July 2024 Story courtesy of Brandpoint There's nothing quite like the lure of the outdoors when the sun is shining, temperatures are heating up and the world is in bloom. Unfortunately, while you and your family are enjoying all that the warmer months have to offer,...

Service Through Sacrifice

Service Through Sacrifice

For NOVEC foreman, work is a family affair July 2024 by Jim Robertson, Staff Writer A former servant to his country as a U.S. Coast Guardsman, Kyle Sarvis has served the members of Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative for nearly 13 years. The line crew foreman and...