A publication of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives

Home | What's a Co-op?
Hanging by a Thread

Hanging by a Thread

When Cooperative Home Care Associates, a New York-based, in-home caregiver cooperative, ran into a shortage of personal protective equipment during the pandemic, another co-op ramped up to help out – Opportunity Threads.

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Dream Weavers

Dream Weavers

Cooperatives trace their roots to Scottish basket makers October 2022 In honor of National Co-op Month, it’s instructive to take a look at the roots of the cooperative movement. For that, it’s necessary to journey to the village of Fenwick in East Ayshire, Scotland,...

The Biggest Little Co-op

The Biggest Little Co-op

The Adamant Co-op in Vermont, is part grocery store, part community center, part music venue and there’s even a post office thrown in, to boot.

A Cooperative Fish Story

A Cooperative Fish Story

The principle behind the Korean National Federation of Fisheries Cooperative is simple: “One person works for ten thousand people and ten thousand people work for one.”

A Solutions Cooperative

A Solutions Cooperative

You’ve probably heard the jingle dozens of times — “Ace is the place.” And Ace Hardware is indeed the place for many shoppers looking for home improvement or gardening shoppers

A Slithering Business

A Slithering Business

Some cooperatives supply financial services, sell food or provide energy. The Irula Snake Catchers Industrial Cooperative Society has a different take. Its members catch poisonous snakes, such as spectacled cobras and Russell’s vipers, extract the venom for medicinal use and return the snakes into the wild.

Juicing the Co-op Movement

Juicing the Co-op Movement

Marcus Urann preferred to tromp through cranberry bogs than practice law. Think of that every time you wheel your cart down the juice aisle of a supermarket.