A publication of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives

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Not Our First Rodeo

Not Our First Rodeo

July 2024 We are now fully into the summer season, and what better way to kick it off than with our Fourth of July holiday, a significant event that commemorates the...

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Not Our First Rodeo
Celebrating Milestones
Celebrating Milestones

Celebrating Milestones

June 2024 This is the time of year when students are graduating and celebrating their brief freedom by going on well-deserved vacations or enjoying popular attractions. Fortunately, there are great events happening throughout our readership area, examples of which you...

Farmers Hit It Out of the Park

Farmers Hit It Out of the Park

May 2024 May brings warmer weather, longer days and increased sun, just what farmers in Virginia and Maryland need to cultivate their crops. The theme of this month’s Cooperative Living is recognizing all those hardworking farmers who put fresh food on our tables. Our...

Play Ball!

Play Ball!

April 2024 Weather starts getting warmer in April and you can hear the sound of balls hitting a bat and glove as baseball season gets into swing. Kids of all ages begin running their parents everywhere, traveling to practices and games. For those like me who are past...

Celebrating Anniversaries

Celebrating Anniversaries

This time of year is always exciting as we get a fresh start and look toward all the opportunities ahead of us in 2024.

Touching Lives

Touching Lives

This time of year is always exciting as we get a fresh start and look toward all the opportunities ahead of us in 2024.