A publication of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives

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Ponies & Pontoons

Ponies & Pontoons

A magical day with Daisey’s Island Cruises June 2024 by Amanda S. Creasey, Outdoors Writer As my alarm goes off at 6:45 a.m. on a Saturday, I question why I thought the...

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Ponies & Pontoons
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Paddles, Puddles and the Great Outdoors

Paddles, Puddles and the Great Outdoors

Exploring Virginia State Parks by water April 2024 by Amanda S. Creasey, Outdoors Writer When Crystal Hughes of Norfolk, Va., finished the Virginia State Parks’ Trail Quest program last year, visiting all 42 state parks, she told herself she “wasn’t going to get all...

Preserving the Heads of State

Preserving the Heads of State

Although Presidents Park is closed, the busts are accessible to visitors in their location on Hankins’ property a few select times a year. Tickets must be purchased in advance.

The Struggle Is Real, But Worth It

The Struggle Is Real, But Worth It

We arrive at Civitan Park in Ewing, Va., at 10 a.m. on a Saturday. Including ours, five cars wait for their drivers to return from hiking to the Sand Cave in the Cumberland Gap National Historic Park.

A Trail Of Two States

A Trail Of Two States

In the summer of 2020, Cole Jensen’s friend, Matt Sullivan, approached him with an idea: He wanted to visit every state park in Virginia.

Getting Out There

Getting Out There

Black Girls Hike RVA aims to hold between one and two hikes each month, for a total of between 12 and 14 each year. Local hikes, like the one I join, usually consist of between 10 and 25 participants and normally last about two hours, covering a distance not longer than five miles.