A publication of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives

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Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Seeing your car as an investment, not an expense June 2024 story courtesy of Brandpoint Media In these inflationary times, the cost of owning a car seems to increase...

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Where the Rubber Meets the Road
Roadside Respect
Roadside Respect

Roadside Respect

Share the road with farmers this spring May 2024 by Alice Kemp, Virginia Farm Bureau Federation As drivers cruise along bucolic roads this spring, it’s important to stay alert and watch out for slow-moving farm equipment. Spring planting season is a busy time for...

Beep, Beep!

Beep, Beep!

One survey shows that in Virginia, drivers are more competitive than anywhere else in the United States.

The Cycle Of Life

The Cycle Of Life

A rising interest in e-bikes or electric bikes has been well-documented for several years now, with more and more people discovering the benefits of cycling using this less-strenuous option.

Plugging Into The Future

Plugging Into The Future

Hybrids achieve 20-35% better fuel economy than conventional internal combustion engines.