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January 2021

What a delight to read this article of Stephanie Stuckey revitalizing the Stuckey’s shoppes [October 2020 Cooperative Living]. I worked with Stuckey’s in Eastman, Ga., in the early ’60s in the sales manager’s office. Opening new stores was very exciting. Wishing Stephanie great success in the revitalization.
— Louise Butler Noles, Carrsville, Va.
There are just no words that can express how much Laura Emery’s cover story, “Veteran Finds New Ways to Serve His Community,” meant to us. I kept my promise and my husband, Edward, did not know it was a cover story until we got the issue in the mail. The look on his face was priceless.
The article brings tears to my eyes every single time I read it and, yes, I have read it many times. The writer is so very talented with words and displaying emotions.
When we were asked if we could have our story included in the magazine, we thought it was such an honor — but to have it end up being the cover story is beyond anything we could ever have expected. We absolutely love doing for others.
This year was different with COVID-19, but we did not give up.
God gives us the means to do this ministry and we carry it out for Him the best way we know how. Just wanted to thank you guys from the bottom of our hearts for the wonderful job on this article.
— Kay Bryant, Emporia, Va.
My husband and I read with interest the story about WWII glider pilot Guy DeGenaro in your November-December issue. My father, Richard Lappe (1923-2000), was also an assault glider pilot in Europe during WWII, but fortunately was never sent into combat. When we saw Mr. DeGenaro’s story, we looked up his name in a volume we have, “World War II Glider Pilots” (1991), produced by the National WWII Glider Pilots Association, and found his name in the list of regular members (pg. 155). The rest of the story is that we found our copy of the glider pilots book in a used bookstore in Tokyo in 2010. We wish Mr. DeGenaro the best of health and thank you for your continuing efforts to honor our veterans.
— Frances E. Moyer, Stephens City, Va.