How to support your pet’s health during summer
July 2024

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story courtesy of Family Features
As a pet parent, you know your pet’s needs are continually evolving. That’s true during different stages of growth and even as the seasons change.
Part of supporting your pet throughout the year is understanding the risks of changing weather and special seasonal events. Supporting pets this summer can be easier with these tips:
Summer may be an exciting time for humans with all the extra activities, seasonal celebrations and travel, but those summer pastimes can add to a lot of stress for pets. In addition, environmental factors like allergens and heat can a ect them more than you realize.
Allergies: Pets can be affected by many of the same allergens as humans, including grass, pollen and other vegetation that is more prevalent during warmer months. Watch for signs of trouble, such as scratching, chewing, watery eyes and general discomfort. Veterinarians can advise on allergy support and supplements appropriate for your pet’s age, breed and size.
Fireworks: Summer tends to bring more loud noise and is especially true around the Fourth of July when explosions become the norm. If pets are fearful, it’s essential to ensure they stay in well-secured areas. Fireworks are a common cause of pets running away. If possible, find a safe spot within your house where outside noises are muffled. Provide some comfort items and check on them regularly. If they seem extremely distressed, vet-recommended anxiety treatments and supplements can help promote relaxation and soothe their nerves.
Travel: If your pet suffers from separation anxiety, summer trips can be especially problematic. One solution is taking your pet with you, but that’s not always practical or possible. When pets with separation anxiety stay behind, it’s a good idea to leave them with someone they know, and even better if that person can remain in your home so pets are in familiar surroundings. If that’s not an option, introducing pets to their caretaker or doing a trial run at the kennel can help ease their nerves. In extreme cases, you may need to consult a vet about supplements to help soothe pets in your absence.
Dehydration: Hotter temperatures make it easier for pets to get dehydrated, which can lead to a myriad of health concerns. Ensure pets have access to fresh, clean and cool water at all times, and be sure to alert your veterinarian if you notice any changes in their interest in drinking, as that can signal an issue. Also, watch for signs of dehydration, such as weakness, less energy, changes in appetite and panting.