A publication of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives

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That Gut Feeling

That Gut Feeling

Why intestinal health is so important May 2024 by Vanessa LaFaso Stolarski, Contributing Columnist “I feel it in my gut.” “My gut is telling me this is bad.” “My gut...

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That Gut Feeling
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Not So Fast

Intermittent fasting has recently been increasingly touted as the key to weight management and increased longevity, but is it right for you?

Breathe Easy

Breathe Easy

Work demands, household management, and taking care of family, and ourselves, have become stressful, omnipresent forces affecting individuals of all ages and backgrounds. However, we all possess an extraordinary tool for combating stress right within us: our breath. Harnessing the power of breathwork techniques can bring about profound relaxation, restore inner balance and promote overall well-being.

Stop Being A Carbo-Phobe

Stop Being A Carbo-Phobe

Five reasons to include carbohydrates in your diet July 2023 By Vanessa LaFaso Stolarski, Contributing Columnist When it comes to nutrition, proteins and fats get all the glory, while carbohydrates get sent to the corner like an undisciplined classroom student....

‘Abs’-olute Back Strength

‘Abs’-olute Back Strength

Sitting for long periods of time, carrying heavy loads or moving suddenly at the torso can all result in back pain or injury.

Stress, Citrus and Serotonin

Stress, Citrus and Serotonin

Feeling blue occasionally is a normal part of the human experience. Sometimes we can’t even identify what is making us feel that way. (Also totally normal.) Other times, a collection of life events can rain down on us like thunderstorms in July. Either way, if you have been feeling too blue for too long, the answer to boosting your mood might be found in unexpected places.