Food For Thought/Perspectives


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College for Everyone? (February 2011)



Big Government: Who Needs It? We Do! (Nov./Dec. 2010)

Global Warming: Impending Doom? (October 2010)

Trains: We Need More than Thomas (September 2010)

Political Correctness Run Amok (August 2010)

An Open Message to my Congressman on Education (July 2010)

Virtual Reality vs. Reality (June 2010)

Who's Your Role Model? (May 2010)

Coincidences of War Come Home to Virginia (March/April 2010)

'Education is Failing Our Children' (February 2010)

The 'New' Art of Frugality (January 2010)



A Real American: Are You One? (September 2009)

Meaning of Labor Day (August 2009)

Real Men Don't Get Prostate Cancer (July 2009)

Co-ops Ready to Help Craft Workable Climate Plan (June 2009)

Your Two Cents Counts (May 2009)

The Taste of Earth (March/April 2009)

It's the Economy, Stupid (February 2009)

Co-op Concerns in An Era of Change (January 2009)



A World Without House Calls (August 2008)

Jobs Americans Won't Do (July 2008)

Honoring the Spirit of Sacrifice (June 2008)

Message to my Grandson (May 2008)

Save Your Local Creek, Save the Bay (March/April 2008)

Selecting Our 44th President (February 2008)

Power Child (January 2008)



Make English Our Official Language (November/December 2007)

Green Building: Is it all it's cracked up to be? (October 2007)

You're Retired? Now What? (September 2007)

Say Yes to NAIS (August 2007)

Body Art: Just What is the Big Attraction? (July 2007)

My Friend Carlos  (June 2007)

Say No to NAIS  (May 2007)

The Human Race is Second Place (March/April 2007)

A Black History Perspective (February 2007)



The Real Meaning of Christmas (Nov/Dec 2006)

Emphasizing Animal Welfare. Not Animal Rights (October 2006)

Caregiving: The Realities & Responsibilities (September 2006)

You're Wasting My Time (August 2006)

Responsible Breeding, Ownership, Government (July 2006)

A Sense of Place (June 2006)

Entrepreneurship: The Savior of Rural America? (May 2006)

Extinction of the Family (March/April 2006)

Born To Make A Difference (February 2006)

Noon On The Second Wednesday in January (January 2006)



Lack of School Discipline: Who's At Fault? (November/December 2005)

Farmers: A True Example of Cooperation (October 2005)

Bulimarexia: The Tortoise and the Hare (September 2005)

Don't Smoke In My World! (July 2005)

Cherishing Our Rural Landscape (May 2005)

Vulgarity and Vocabulary (March/April 2005)

A Touch of February (February 2005)

Constitutional Rights Should Not Be Forgotten (August 2005)

Jamestown 2007: A Native American Perspective (June 2005)

Virginia Needs More Lunatic Farmers (January 2005)



War and Those Who Serve (November/December 2004)

Gambling For Education (October 2004)

College: Are You Getting Your Money's Worth? (September 2004)

Cancer: Why Me? (August 2004)

Adopting a Gift From God (July 2004)

Is Our National Pastime Now Our National Religion? (June 2004)

Is Violence Just A Natural Part of Life? (May 2004)

3 Out of 4 Will Graduate-Success or Failure? (March/April 2004)

For the Love of Grandmothers (February 2004)

Some Thoughts On Eating Habits (January 2004)



Vouchers for Private Education: Bad Idea (November/December 2003)

Remove the Ten Commandments? (Oct 2003)

Senior Driving Privileges (September 2003)

How Much Is Your Pet Worth? (August 2003)

SOLs and Graduation--How High the Stakes? (July 2003)

Graduation: How Many Is Too Many? (June 2003)

Addressing the Nursing Shortage (May 2003)

Conservative vs. Liberal: Beyond The Label (March/April 2003)

The College Selection Process: Is It Fair? (Feb. 2003)

Show Me Some Respect: I'm A Senior (January 2003)


Should The Sexes Be Treated Differently? (Nov/Dec 2002)

School Fighting (Aug 2002)
Class Size:  How Many Is Too Many (Jul 2002)
Our Kids Flunked Again (Jun 2002)

Your Child Is Equal, But Not The Same (May 2002)

Big Brother Is Watching (Mar/Apr 2002)

Sell the Naming Rights to Your School? (Feb 2002)

Teacher Honor Roll (Jan 2002)



Should God Be Allowed To Attend Public School (Nov/Dec 2001)
A Moment of Silence (October 2001)

SOL Testing - A Guidance Counselor's View (Aug 2001)
The Minimum Drinking Age (Jul 2001)
Who Is Responsible for Your Childs Sex Education? (June 2001)

Living with Cystic Fibrosis (May 2001)
Public or Private School (Jan 2001)



Education and the Fall Elections (Oct 2000)

Testing Kids and Predicting Future Success (Sep 2000)
Algebra For Everyone? (Aug 2000)

High Stakes Testing and Cheating (Jul 2000)

Parents Just Say No to SOLs (Jun 2000)
Saving for Your Children's Future (May 2000)

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